An event attended in person and live online.
The Importance of Training and Mentoring by Mike Schwarz CEO. Mike rounded off by stressing the importance of education and training. IIMS are at the point of introducing a formal mentoring scheme. Having a Mentor ranks very highly as a must-have for an aspiring surveyor.
Introduction to IIMS by Mike Schwarz, CEO. Mike talked about the International Institute of Marine Surveying and how it looks to promote worldwide excellence. IIMS run first class training opportunities over a wide range of disciplines.
How to Carry Out a Survey by John Walker FmIIMS. John took everyone through a typical pre-purchase survey explaining processes, techniques and report writing. For those who may have thought surveying was easy, this would have come as quite a surprize.
Report Writing Software by Germán Martínez AffiIIMS. Showed us how report writing software works in practical terms and stressed the importance of investing time to configure the software. This is essential so that the full benefit can be realised. Once set up, large savings in time are possible.
AI Update by Alice Parenti. Everything that you wanted to know about AI and possibly some things you may rather not know. Alice works in AI ethics, a subject right up there with the rapid roll-out of AI in our everyday lives.
Integrity, Liability, and Responsibility by Tim Rowe MIIMS. Tim talked about the less obvious aspects of surveying. Key points were maintaining independence, recognising limitations and correct relationships with other professionals in the marine sector.